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Intention Setting for the New Year

We can't simply flip a switch when the clock strikes midnight and expect our whole lives to be dramatically different. Our resolutions require intentional effort and work to be done -- nothing changes, if nothing changes.

Each New Year serves as a reminder for us to check in on how we feel our lives are going -- a chance to clear the slate and start fresh with our goals. Check out my Top 5 Tips below, on how to move with purpose when setting intentions for the path ahead.

1. Practice Gratitude

To enter into a new year ready to make impactful changes, we must first learn how to practice gratitude for all that we have and all that we are. We will always feel we are operating from a place of lack unless we choose to show appreciation for where we're at in the present moment. Our resolutions become attainable when we recognize that we already have all we need, to accomplish all that we set out to do.

Living in gratitude means to own your reality and practice appreciating all that you currently have so that you know how to recognize and appreciate more when you receive it. More love, more abundance, more opportunity, more intellect, more joy, more health -- the list goes on.

In my recent blog, Be Grateful on Purpose, I spoke about gratitude and how to practice this by utilizing a linguistic shift. Click here to read more about this while transitioning into the New Year!

2. Recognize What to Release

When setting resolutions or intentions for growth of any kind, it is imperative to release all that may be weighing us down. These may be habits, thought patterns, emotions, people, or any aspect of our lives that is preventing us from being our best selves.

In years past, have you put yourself down after failing to follow through on your resolutions after just a month or two into the year? Maybe you didn't make as much progress as you would have liked within the timeline you set for yourself, or you lost sight of your path due to the influence of your surroundings or outdated coping mechanisms you resorted to when growth got uncomfortable.

It is time to let go of the belief that failure to follow through with those resolutions means you've failed – you failed forward. Each and every action we take presents an opportunity for us to learn. In keeping your commitment to self, you can use your 'failure' as a means of propulsion for continued growth.

Honor your life's journey and the human experience of it all. Do so by taking inventory of your life, and choosing to continue nurturing only what serves you and the life you are trying to create. Evolution of self does not happen by holding onto what is holding you back.

3. Vision Boarding

Vision boarding is a great way to visualize our goals and align our thoughts, actions, interactions, and intentions with those desired outcomes. We have the ability through manifestation and the Law of Attraction, to transform our lives. A vision board can be made physically and displayed in your living or working space, or, you can design one digitally and save it as your desktop or phone background.

This visual will serve as a daily reminder of your why. Your why drives the conviction you move with throughout each day and reminds you of what you're working towards.

4. Set a Clear Action Plan for Your Goals

Solely internalizing, vocalizing, or even vision boarding your New Year's intentions is not enough to bring them into existence. Planning a clear, concise roadmap for your goals is how you pave a path to success. Your vision, your aspirations, your life -- they all require action. Nelson Mandela said it here best:

"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision is merely passing time. But vision with action can change the world."

Inaction is like a death sentence for dreams -- you must act on what you're trying to manifest for yourself in the year ahead to bring it into your reality. We are not all here to simply pass time. Nor are we here to sit back and watch life happen to us. When moving into 2022, make sure to commit to your goals by acting with intention in all that you do.

5. Reach Out to an Accountability Partner

We can’t always be intrinsically motivated – we all need to seek out external motivators at times. Sometimes we need reminders of why we want to achieve those goals that we set for ourselves in the first place.

It's normal to have days where you just don't want to do the work; these are the moments that our friends, partners, family members, or even health coaches can lend a helping hand. We may be the creators of our own destiny, but we don't have make it a solo journey to get there!

If you’re in search of an accountability partner outside of your current social circle – reach out to schedule a 30-minute strategy call with me today!


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